Fashion Dos&Don'ts · Main

Not So Black

Back like I never left! Okay let’s not get too excited, let’s get to the fifth consistent post then we celebrate yes? To be honest, my looks aren’t going to change entirely, less black; that’s all really. I mean, look at the first outfit I put together. Took away the black turtleneck and got a… Continue reading Not So Black

Fashion Dos&Don'ts

Some Do’s & Don’ts in fashion

Too many rules to follow, found these and thought hey, I agree with each and everyone of them why not share so here guys…….. #1 DON’T be afraid to break the “fashion rules.” Remember…rules were meant to be broken! #2 DO wear stripes! Wear them horizontally or vertically. Still not sold? Try them on shoes or your favourite accessories.… Continue reading Some Do’s & Don’ts in fashion

Fashion Dos&Don'ts · Main

Be you

Margaret Oliphant, could not have said it better when she said “Oh, never mind the fashion. When one has a style of one’s own, it is always 20 times better.” Very self explanatory… Be yourself always- through your style, your fashion sense, & everything in between!! Ciao, …

Fashion Dos&Don'ts


Let’s do something different today… wear a bolder colour, wear all black, make a statement, stand out, follow the crowd… Do something you have never done: Depending on your fashion-style, do the opposite, something you wouldn’t do on a normal basis… Let’s be different, you just might fall for your new look! Ciao, …